Monday, 31 October 2011

Decor Train Coming Back Slowly

Despite feeling blue about my new job, my decoration project has started to live again. Too bad the October light is so little and dim, that pictures do not turn out nice. My pictures are not top quality in any case and now they are just gray blur. 

The dishes in the picture are betel containers from Papua New Guinea. A present from a very dear friend. The containers drive me nuts, because their bottoms are round and they do not balance, but I like them. They have no place in that famous flea market plastic bag sitting on the top shelf of my closet right now. 

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Missing Sauna

I have not have sauna since I left the doll's house. There is a sauna in my building, but you need to book a regular weekly slot and use it only at that certain time. I am not a certain slot time chick. I never know what I want to do at certain time. I want to be free to use the sauna when I feel like and I may not feel like it at my dedicated time.

I so miss the sauna right now.

Did you know that "sauna" is the only Finnish word adopted into English language?

Things Are Not the Way I Wish They Were

I wrote the sentence in the topic before the long blog break. I had it saved in drafts,
as if I had planned to start a new post. I completely forgot about it until now when I came back. Sadly the statement is still valid.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Life Lived and Shabby

Everything in my kitchenette is hand-me-down. The microwave came from a friend's mom, the boxes from an auntie and the faulty gravy dish from one of the nans. Mom's mom I think. The one I never met. The one who lived a scandalous life and left lots of silence behind.

My surroundings are filled with hand-me-downs and I like it that way. Lived, shabby and imperfect. Just like me.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Simple is Enough

The shrine introduced in the previous post was a mistake. After looking at it everyday over a week, I realised that memorabilia is clutter. I packed everything into a plastic bag and tucked it to the top self of my closet. It is there waiting to be moved to a flea market. Instead, two items found home from the ledge. Good so. I can rest my eyes on that spot again.

Long break in writing is due to lost decoration mojo. I lost it together with interest in my new job.