Friday, 18 January 2013

Knitting Like a Maniac

Since autumn I have knitted and crocheted like a maniac. I have completed a cardigan, three jumpers, a dress, a scarf, four pairs of socks, a pair of mittens, four pairs of wrist warmers, a floor mat, a pot holder, four beanies and a pair of gloves. Right now I am working on a cardigan and I am quite pleased to notice that my pace is slowing down. I hope I can interpret this as I am moving towards normalcy. What ever that means.

Thursday, 17 January 2013


Minus 25 degrees Celsius outside give me a good excuse to stay indoors. I just look through the window and admire the beauty of harsh winter. Everything is so bright and pure and the trees are dressed in a white weil. Right now Oulu looks like a it only exsisted in a dream. Too bad I am afraid to go outside to freeze my fingers and picture this magic.

 The apple tree.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Dreams Rediscovered

Today I have concentrated on remembering the dreams I once had. Tomorrow I shall work for them.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Old and New Odd Memories

Coffee was served in small and thin porcelain cups. Sugar cubes were in a crystal bowl and real cream in a pretty creamer. There were three different kinds of canapes, an oven warm quiche, a caramel cake, Danish pastries, biscuits and chocolates on the table. This evening I was invited for a bite in an old fashion way. This used to be style to enjoy coffee in people's houses back in the days when I was a child. I suddenly realised that this might have been the first time I was invited for such as an adult. I felt very cosy and nostalgic.

The picture was taken six moths ago in Iceland right after I had enjoyed my first meal in the country - Icelandic lobster soup, home baked bread and a beer. I had arrived two hours earlier and the weather was a bit chilly. It occurred to me then, that nobody knew my exact location. I had told everybody, that I was off to Iceland for a holiday, but had not provided any details of my destination. First time ever it occurred to me, that maybe I should start to leave coordinates of my whereabouts. I felt safe then and there and the thought was random, but it made sense.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Logs and Resolutions Gone

Day eight of 2013. I have failed four of my five new years' resolutions.

I have also burned all the logs of this load. I do have enough until spring, but I had estimated this amount to last longer. This winter I have felt the cold.

Monday, 7 January 2013

New Duties in an Old Jumper

The chunky jumper has been in use a lot since I stitched its last stitch. It no longer looks new or neat. Today I wore it during my chauffeuring duty and so shall I do tomorrow. The duty includes ferrying around a nephew temporarily on crutches.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Party Sunday

The party was fun, even it was for adults only. The kids had been over on the actual birthday. The little fella got some Angry Birds stuff as a present and while the adults entertained themselves by eating and talking, he played a game or two.

The celebrations took place on the other side of the town from me, but I braved and cycled despite the temperature of -15 C. The bike's first gear was frozen on and it took me a good hour to pedal fast and move slowly. Once I got there my toes were cold and head sweating, but I felt ever so happy to have made the journey.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Seeing the Sun

Today the sun shines for the first time this year. The pictures are from last summer.

The yarn bombed boy is called Martti. He is a part of a sculpture located behind the Town Hall. It is my favourite in Oulu. It exhibits people of Oulu in different times doing things that Oulu is famous for. Martti is the best known single figure of the sculpture's characters. The only one know by a name. He wears a hat and a scarf and if they go missing, new ones always appear.
A tar barrel. Oulu's past wealth was based on tar export. It was produced upriver in Kainuu province and brought to Oulu port by the river.
The current wealth is based on technology, mobile industry being the most well known part of it.
Before the dams were build, the river Oulu was famous for its salmon. The forests were full of game and furs were used to keep warm.
This little chap is one fourth of a famous band called the Star Boys. They perform only at Christmas time by singing a rather violent liturgical drama based on the Gospel of Matthew. The singing procession is an old tradition and very much alive in the area. There is a Star Boy group competition organised every year and the City of Oulu uses the phrase "Oulu - the Star Town" in its marketing campaigns.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Friday Gray and Toy Shopping

Today I shall dive into the gray town again. I need to visit the paragon of all grayness - the tax administration of Oulu.

Thereafter, I shall make a brighter visit to a toy store. My friend's son turned six yesterday and the mama send me a text invitation around mid-night last night. I'll get to party on Sunday.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

River and its Pike

There is a shortage of light in Oulu, as you can see from the picture. It is not a black and white shot of the river delta.

Today I took a half of the Pike loaf to a friend who does not eat fish. The loaf, which actually did not turn out as a loaf, but as fish cakes, was super yammy. I figured, that with them I can convert a non-fish-eating-friend into a fish lover. I do not know if she became one yet, but I do know that she loved my Pike cakes.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013


At Christmas time I avoid going to the shops. I dread the craziness in them. I do not like the endless Christmas carols, crowds and expensive stuff, which will be on sale in a short while. This means that I do not shop for Christmas. Every year I tell everybody that I am not going to give any presents and I wish that I am not presented any myself. Every year I get something. Every year I feel guilty. Every year I give out presents other times than Christmas. This year my first such are the wrist warmers my sister wished. I finished them over the holidays and used yarns made out of alpaca, silk and mohair.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Dawn

I spent the new year with friends on the country side. We had a traditional meal of meatballs, sausages and potato salad. Thereafter we run after a runaway dog. It got scared of the fireworks and escaped its leash. We did not have time to see the sparkles in the mid-nigth sky, as all eyes were set on darkness to spot the running dog. The dog was caught and calmed in the end.

It is 2013 today and a new dawn - a new beginning. I started the fresh year in the same company than I passed my new year's night. My friend's dad presented me two fish, which he had ice fished with a net from the river Oulu. I shall cook Burbot soup and Pike loaf tonight.

Before returning back home we had pizza buffet in town. There was only one employee working in the restaurant and he was dead busy. Before leaving, we cleared two tables to help him. We wanted to start the year by being kind.