Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Dawn

I spent the new year with friends on the country side. We had a traditional meal of meatballs, sausages and potato salad. Thereafter we run after a runaway dog. It got scared of the fireworks and escaped its leash. We did not have time to see the sparkles in the mid-nigth sky, as all eyes were set on darkness to spot the running dog. The dog was caught and calmed in the end.

It is 2013 today and a new dawn - a new beginning. I started the fresh year in the same company than I passed my new year's night. My friend's dad presented me two fish, which he had ice fished with a net from the river Oulu. I shall cook Burbot soup and Pike loaf tonight.

Before returning back home we had pizza buffet in town. There was only one employee working in the restaurant and he was dead busy. Before leaving, we cleared two tables to help him. We wanted to start the year by being kind.

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