Thursday, 28 November 2013

As Charming as Ever

It was grey, and there was a lack of light in Tallinn yesterday, but the old lady smiled at me, as always. She was as charming as ever.

This time I did not buy any yarn, although I wanted. I did not buy the must-have-earrings either, but resisted and decided to invest that amount in the stock market. Yes, I shall. Before you draw an illusion of a rich investor named Mianna, let me disappoint you. I am talking about mere 35 euros. However, I am drawing the illusion myself now and see me shopping two pairs of must-haves and a mountain of yarn on my next trip to Estonia.

Despite my great resistance to spending, I am a proud owner of a ceramic mug with a dragon fly motif and a wooden butter knife. Both hand made. So, there's the excuse.

Other highlights of the day were borscht soup eaten at a Georgian restaurant, a bottle of Georgian white shared with a travelling companion and a a visit to a kohvik. A trip to Tallinn is not a trip unless you enjoy a lovely cup of coffee with a sweet little pastry. Mine was white chocolate apple cube, which looked as French as the cafe itself. Cafe Josefine's decor was about red velvet and dim lights, which made the place look very Molin Rouge indeed.

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