Tuesday, 26 November 2013


It is in Helsinki now. Winter I mean. Cold only, no snow yet. I do not mind it at all, but would not mind a bit more day light. That will return in few months time. I know.

Tomorrow I am off to my beloved Tallinn again. I shall shop yarn and shall post many knitting themed posts this winter again. I have already knitted four pairs of mittens with a peek hole for an index finger. An innovation, which allows mobile addicts to play with their devices without freezing their fingers. Others than the index one, of course. Too bad I do not have any pictures to prove my achievements, as everything is neatly wrapped in Christmas gift papers. I am record early this year. I am not a big Christmas person and decided to get over with all the preparations early and spend the rest of the year with more important things, such as knitting.

To remind you of my Tallinn and my last visit there, I chose a picture I took a year ago on my last visit.

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