Thursday, 11 October 2012

Knitting Skappel

I am in love with my latest knitting project. The reason for this fire is a brilliant knitting pattern from Norway combined with the loveliest and softest yarn ever. The pattern is named Skappel after its creator Dorthe Skappel of Norway. She knitted a lose fitting sweater to her daughter Maria who posted a picture and free pattern to her blog. I found all this information via a very popular Norway based Finnish blogger, the Fisherman's Wife. After reading the pattern, I had to get some yarn and try it out myself. The English translation can be found from Raverly.

My choice for the yarn is Drops Alpaca in dark grey and Drops Kid-Silk in black. It is not totally black though, as the silk threat in the core of the yarn is of light colour. To knit this combo I use number 5,5 knitting needles as opposed to number 7 suggested in the original pattern with thicker alpaca yarn. The pattern is simpler than simple and the key is the quality of the yarn. I am totally charmed by my Skappel project.

PS: Pictures of a finished Skappel Sweather can be found from the Maria Skappel and Fisherman's Wife links above

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