Saturday, 28 May 2011

Airhooks And Ice Hockey

I am sure, that everybody on this planet knows, that Finland won World Championship in ice hockey this year. It was huge. We are ice hockey mad people, but we have not been too successful in it on that level. This was our second time only. Last and first time we won in 1996.

First we qualified for the final by winning our other neighbour Russia. Then we won a sweet victory against our dearest rival Sweden. 6-1. One of the highlights of the whole competition was a goal extraordinaire by a 19 year old young man from Oulu area.

The celebrations have been unforgettable. Good manners were forgotten at times and the team's managing department versioned the airhook on iceless ground in the front of the cheering crowds at return from Brastilava, Slovakia.
The lapse in code of conduct has been much debated, apologies pleaded and lessons learned. The bowl has started a tour around the country. Last Wednesday the celebration train reached Oulu. Approximately 20 000 people had gathered to the market place to pay respect to the six players who originate from Oulu area, who brought the price for the Northerners to see. I was there too, freezing away in icy Nordic wind and could not stop wondering what a game of ice hockey can do to us. It really can make the nation go beserk.

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