Monday, 10 September 2012

Checked and Soup

All items from the previous post checked. A very special moment for this blogger. I still have some garden path weeding to do, but it will happen. Eventually.

The party was great and the starter a success. Here's the recipe of Beetroot Blue Cheese Soup:

Firstly, sow the beetroot seeds in May. Secondly, water, tend and love your plot over late May, June, July, August and early September. Thirdly, uproot your beloved roots. Then wash them and cut the tails and napes of the stems. For the soup you will need:

750 grams of beetroots
2 red onions
2 apples (small and sour Finnish kind of apples)
2 cubes of vegetable broth
1,5 tea spoons of black pepper
2 table spoons of vinegar (mine was raspberry vinegar, but only because I had to happen it in stock. You can use lemon juice instead as well)
2 table spoons of honey
1 litre of water

Boil the above for 40 minutes until the beetroots are soft. This was the base for the soup I made a day early.

App. 45 minutes before the guests came I did blend the soup down smooth and added:

3 dl of cream
150 grams of blue cheese

Stir the soup until cheese has melted. Mind you, that in this point the soup is easy to burn from the bottom and therefore the soup pot needs to rest on a very low heat, if not stirred. Check the salt. I did not add any, but your taste might be different from mine. Finally serve the soup with a bit of parsley as garnish and see your guests enjoy the beauty of rich red beetroot velvet in front of their hungry eyes.

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