Thursday, 6 September 2012


Friday is the eve of the party. There are so many things to do for the reason, that today was not a good day. I did not do all the tasks I intended, and you know why - I was busy procrastinating. However, I managed to take some baby steps and I try to be grateful for those. I prepared the place cards, put all the shoes away and cleared the table tops.

Tomorrow I shall need to do tons. All the things I did not finish this week plus most of cooking and decorating. I plan to take it easy on Saturday. Here is the list to keep me on track:

- I'll uproot all the beetroots I have been tending over the summer. The yield this year was not great. All my beetroots are small in size. It was a cool summer.
- Then I'll cook them with other veggies and this will be the base for the starter soup. On Saturday I only need to heat it, blend it down smooth, add cream and blue cheese and serve it. Voilá!
- I'll do the desserts. One Grasshopper Pie and one White Chocolate Cheesecake with blueberry caramel with a hint of chili on top. Do not ask me about them yet. I have never tried them before.
- I'll mop the floors.
- I'll clear the garden paths from weeds (something I planned to do today).
- I'll collect the table decorations (rowan berries).
- I'll lay the table.
- I'll finish editing the video filmed in the past parties. I plan to air it on Saturday. (Not much left, WHICH IS GOOD. Hear me shouting it out loud to make it more convincing)
- AND I'll finish washing the porch's windows. This task has been dragging from Monday.... Well, let's face it.....from May. Shame on me. Shame, shame, shame.

Judging from the list, I shall be very busy fighting my "p" word demon tomorrow.

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